Permissions, data privacy and data security
What is mobile-pocket's data privacy policy and where is my data stored?
We are subjected to the EU data protection directive and take the security of your data and your privacy very seriously. We do not use any c...
How can I manage my permissions?
Tap on the "cog icon" in the top left corner to open the menu, under "Permissions" you will find an overview of all permissions you have act...
How can I turn location-based notifications on/off?
To receive location-based notifications you have to activate location information and notifications. You can activate and change your permis...
How can I manage my permissions?
To manage your permisions tap on the "burger icon" in the top left corner and select "Settings". Under "Permissions" you will find an overvi...
How can I turn off push messages?
To turn off push notifications, please tap on the "burger icon" in the top left corner of the screen and click on "settings". Then choose "p...
How can I turn off push messages?
To turn off push notifications tap on the "cog icon" in the top left corner of the screen to open the menu and tap on "permissions". Then ch...
What are permissions needed for?
During registration with a Facebook/Google account the app checks whether there is a Facebook/Google account which can be used to register/ ...
How can I turn location-based notifications on/off?
To receive location-based notifications you have to activate location information and notifications. You can activate and change your permis...
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